Monday, November 19, 2007


Steve and I have been preparing for our Connections session on covenant and commitment - it's a fascinating topic really: here's a sample of Wesley's Covenant:

Wesley's Covenant, 1780, 1/3
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"Commit yourselves to Christ as his servants. Give yourselves to him, that you may belong to him. Christ has many services to be done. Some are more easy and honorable, others are more difficult and disgraceful. Some are suitable to our inclinations and interests, others are contrary to both. In some we may please Christ and please ourselves. But then there are other works where we cannot please Christ except by denying ourselves.

"It is necessary, therefore, that we consider what it means to be a servant of Christ. Let us, therefore, go to Christ, and pray: "Let me be your servant, under your command. I will no longer be mine own. I will give up myself to your will in all things. "Be satisfied that Christ shall give you your place and work.

"Lord, make me what you will. I put myself fully into your hands: put me to doing, put me to suffering, let me be employed for you, or laid aside for you, let me be full, let me be empty, let me have all things, let me have nothing. I freely and with a willing heart give it all to your pleasure and disposal."

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